Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Online Applications are Heaven on the Clouds!!!

How many times have you reached your office desk just to find that your favorite USB Drive on which you had saved your files is actually at home??? OR you emailed yourself an important report and when you reached office you found that your email client's not working?

Online Applications solve this problem... All your files get stored online and you can edit them right on the web, nothing is downloaded or uploaded in the process. No USBs, No synchronizations to schedule and nothing at all.

Just point your browser to your Online Application Provider and start working.

Yes! It's a heaven (in the clouds) to have different type of online applications catering to most of our tasks. It helps a lot in many ways.
  • Most of them are free so you don't need to buy the big boxes
  • Available anywhere you are blessed with The Fifth Element (The Internet).
  • No need to worry about where your files are... They are up on the Cloud (Not number 9 though!)
  • You get both company and user support
  • Collaboration is very easy and can be done around the globe
Here are a few examples of the types of online apps available these days;
  • Online Word Processors
  • Online Spreadsheets
  • Online Presentations
  • Online Contact Management
  • Online Knowledgebase Management
  • Online Project Management
  • Online Meetings
  • Online File Storage
And you will find many more when if you visit the following free online application providers. In fact, the blogger interface in which I am typing right now is also an Online Application.

Google Docs
Windows Live Skydrive


Search Google for Free Online Apps and voila!

Oh! Did you say OfficeLive? Um... I'm sorry but they just have online document storage solution, you cannot actually edit any document unless you have a purchased copy of Microsoft Office installed on your computer. So why bother uploading the files then??? I'm not convinced folks!!!

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