Sunday, November 1, 2009

Microsoft Signature PC's Hitting the Road

The "Microsoft Signature" PCs that are being sold at Microsoft's retail and online stores contain a bunch of extra Windows Live software, but also feature something rarely found on a PC--a clean desktop.
(Credit: Microsoft)

Microsoft has started pushing selling PC's through it's online and retail stores and the difference Microsoft is making is that the PC's being sold contain all Microsoft products, including the complete Windows Live suite, Security Essentials antivirus product, Zune jukebox, and Bing 3D Maps software, as well as Adobe's Flash and Acrobat Reader products. Internet Explorer 8 is the browser, with Bing as its default search provider.

Microsoft calls it "Microsoft Signature Experience". The computers are being sold at Microsoft's two retail stores--the Scottsdale, Ariz., store that opened last week and the Mission Viejo, Calif., outlet that is opening later on Thursday. The software giant is also selling PCs throughout the U.S. via its online Microsoft Store.
The goal of the Signature effort is to give customers what Microsoft feels is the best software experience they can have on a PC.


  1. I know it will take a lot for Microsoft to be dethroned but they seem to be much more active recently. I wonder if it is because a certain someone is hot on their heels?

  2. That's correct. And the supposed one is the one and only "Steve Ballmer".

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks for update new version of Microsoft IT Support & services . I love your blog post thanks again....


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